Wednesday, October 24, 2007

People and Prayers

So last week, I made an appointment for Monday (10-22-07) of this week to have a yearly girl check up. I wasn't looking forward to it, but knew I needed to not wait until Christmas break to schedule it (which is what I usually do so I don't have to take sick days from work). I knew that I needed to get in sooner rather than later. And while this may make you blush, don't worry about it cause I'm not lookin at you. There've been some definite weird things going on with the ol' left boob. Yep, I said it, left boob. So I went ahead and scheduled. So the nurse practitioner who was checking things out also checked that out. That was 7:30 Monday. It is now 5:50 p.m. on Wednesday. Since then, things have sorta been a whirlwind!! The doc's office set up a same day mammogram and I went in @ 2:00 on Monday and had that tended to. (hurts like heck, I must say!!) Following that, they had me to change rooms and have an ultrasound. Then back for another mammogram cause the first five weren't very clear. So anyways, they didn't like what they saw and scheduled me for a breast biopsy today.

Now I'm no mental heavy weight, but I do know that I'm at a certain risk for breast cancer because of the fact that my twin sister has battled it.

That being said and the fact that all my mammograms in the past ended with a pat on the back and a "We'll see you in a year," and these being anything but that, it's enough to put anyone on edge!!!

We immediately set people to praying for us. We (my hubby, Rusty and me) came home and while I took phone calls he broke the news to Allie, our 17 year old. I won't lie, this has all the potential to be a completely scarey situation!! However, we 3 embraced and wept on the couch pouring out our own fears and comforting each other in theirs. Then the neatest thing happened. I looked up the Bible verse in James that talks about anointing with oil and praying. I have oil, I keep it just for that purpose. Well, my husband and my daughter anointed me and began praying.

The word has spread like wildfire. We've chosen not to keep any of it quiet whatsoever for privacy sake or for any other reason. NO THANK YOU!! Who wants privacy? Not me!!! I want prayers!!!!

Anyway, this morning was the biopsy. Now I'm the type to be a nervous wreck going into any unknown situation. This morning, however, I knew that tons of people were praying, some called, some stopped by before hand, some sent texts and so on. So I knew the prayers were there. When we go there, the folks would not allow Rusty to go back with me. Bummer!!! I began to get worried about getting nervous and not having him to rely on for strength. Then it occurred to many people are praying for you and "I" am your strength. Whoosh!!! Peace came all over me and I was not the least bit nervous.

Aside from all that, I had the opportunity to chat with the technologist and found out that she is in fact a person of faith. Cool!! Her name is Tosha. The doc's name is Dr. McCorvy...she's on loan from a breast center in KY because one of the doctors here is out for 3 weeks and they were very short-staffed. Turns out that Dr. McCorvy is also a person of faith. Cool again!!! I shared with them both that there were folks praying for them. They thought I meant me. I explained, no they're praying for you, too. Coolness all over again!!!

Bottom line is, though they went in the side of an already sore boob-wah, and dug in to the middle of it (literally) with needles and a cutting/routing device, I felt no pain whatsoever! I'm absolutely not kidding one dern bit!! They asked continually if I was doing okay. The answer was a firm yes every time they asked. I was expecting way worse. I had people telling me of way worse. I know that this went this smoothly because of all the prayers. There was some difficulty getting the bleeding to stop when it was all done and over with...not surprising. I bleed fairly easily. One funny thing happened when they got ready to place the bandage on because they thought the bleeding was stopped. It wasn't. It was beginning to set up a hematoma under the skin and when she pressed to put the bandage on, the blood shot across the room. She squealed and I got tickled. I don't know just looked like something out of a movie or something...or discovery health. I don't was just funny to me. Anyway, it finally stopped, she finally got the bandage on, and 2 hours later, we were out of there.

Now I won't lie. The numbing agent is wearing off, and I'm sore. That's true. But I'm doing the ice-pack thing and I'm popping the tylenol like they said to do, so it's all going to be okay.

I will not get results until Monday afternoon, so if you all would just continue with the prayers, I'd sure appreciate it...not only for myself, but for Rusty and Allie as well. I know they really don't want to show me how scared they are. .. but I know... I know because I know how scared I'd be if it were one of them instead of me.

It's overwhelming how calm you can be when people are praying you through a storm.

I want to express a big thanks to all you who are praying. And I especially want to express a big thanks to Corrie, Deena, Denira, and Jarrett who have done an absolutely fabulous job of keeping Allie busy.

I love you beyond measure!! And I'm thanking God for each one of you in my life!
♥Momma Kay

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